It feels so good being able to blog after such a long time. You might have noticed, I have shifted base. Actually, I am in the middle of rearranging everything - virtually and real-ly(??!!) Thats why I have been missing in action for a while.
So why Sprinkle And Stir? It spoke to me, spoke a lot about my style of cooking."A pinch of this and dash of that, sprinkle and stir" makes a whole world of difference of to any dish. I do that alot - there has to be one last pinch! Pinch and dash was already taken........phbbbt. Anyways, I wanted to dedicate one whole blog solely to food and food only. Please update your bookmarks and blog feeders. Those who follow by email, I will send email subscription request to you mail ids. I have ported my recipes to this blog. I will be maintaining both my blogs but for different purpose.